Outdoor Installations > ENDURE

snow and seed site specific outdoor installation

During the 2020-2021 Covid pandemic, as the world dealt with the loss of lives, economy, and touch, and the political and societal arenas intensified, the farm where I reside, was encased in a brutal frigid and snowy winter. I watched the birds flock to the feeders as the rabbits, squirrels, and other critters scrambled for the food scraps placed by the compost pile. This installation is a reflection of all these thoughts. The carved snow letters will slowly be eaten away through the feeding of animals and nature’s forces. Eventually, the form will disappear, leaving just fragments of seed with the possibility for regrowth and a memory of what was.

snow and seed installation
ENDURE - Day One Detail
snow and seed installation
snow and seed
ENDURE - Day Three
snow and seed
ENDURE - Day Four
snow and seed
ENDURE - Day Five
snow and seed
ENDURE - Day Six
snow and seed
ENDURE - Day Seven
snow and seed
ENDURE - Day Eight
snow and seed
ENDURE - Day Nine
snow and seed
ENDURE - Day Ten
snow and seed
ENDURE - Day Eleven
snow and seed